Raw Propolis: Benefits, Uses, and How to Incorporate It Into Your Daily Routine
Raw Propolis: The Bees’ Ultimate Natural Defence
Raw Propolis, commonly known as bee glue, is a fascinating substance produced by honeybees. This resinous material, which bees gather from plant buds and exudates, serves as a crucial tool for building, repairing, and protecting their hives. The name ‘propolis’ derives from the Greek words 'pro' (meaning 'before') and 'polis' (meaning 'city'), symbolising its essential role in hive defence as "defender of the city".
In the hive, this powerful mixture of wax and bioactive compounds that bees use to seal gaps and reinforce areas prone to intrusion. This substance acts as a natural barrier against microorganisms and predators, providing the hive with robust protection. Historically, people have harnessed propolis's protective qualities, incorporating it into natural remedies for its health-preserving properties.
Key Components and Health Benefits of Raw Propolis
Propolis’s impressive health benefits stem from its unique composition—about 50% resins, 30% waxes, 10% essential oils, 5% pollen, and 5% organic compounds. These components contribute to its renowned medicinal properties:
Antiseptic Power: its effective in preventing infections and promoting wound healing.
Antioxidant Protection: The flavonoids help neutralize free radicals, reducing oxidative stress.
Anti-inflammatory Support: anti-inflammatory effects make it useful in treating various inflammatory conditions.
Immune Boosting: Regular use of raw propolis strengthens the immune system, aiding in the body’s defence against illnesses.
Natural Antibiotic: It serves as a natural antibiotic, combating bacterial infections without the adverse effects of synthetic drugs.
Your Daily Routine
Raw Propolis can be consumed in its raw form, though chewing is not recommended due to its sticky, waxy texture. A popular method is to create a propolis tincture by dissolving it in high-proof ethyl alcohol (at least 70%). This tincture can be used to make various health products or taken directly (few drops in hot drink, or on its own) as a potent natural remedy.
If you’re interested in making your own propolis tincture, check out our blog, where we provide a comprehensive guide.
Storage Tips
To maintain the quality of product, store it in a cool, dark place.
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